Ephemerides of the Natural Planetary Satellites
Sources and references of the data
The Ephemerides server MULTI-SAT
Theories used to model the motion of the satellites
Our computations for the ephemerides are based
on the most precise satellite theories and the most perfect
calculating methods. Parameters and constants
(which are provided) for the satellite
motions are defined on the basis of all published observations.
We follow the IAU recommendations concerning the reference frames.
The three different groups of satellites.
Original numerical models of motion for outer planetary satellites.
References on theories and models for each natural satellites.
The planetary theories used for satellites ephemerides purpose.
The natural planetary satellites are of different kinds:
the Galileans, as large as small planets, are very different
from the irregular outer satellites similar to asteroids.
Besides the physical nature of the satellites, their dynamics
are very different too. The natural planetary satellites
are divided into the following three groups:
- Major satellites.
These are the most massive satellites. They move on almost circular
orbits near the planet's equatorial plane. The motion of major
satellites is influenced by the planet's oblateness, solar and
planetary perturbations and mutual interactions among satellites
themselves. Calculation of mutual interactions of major satellites
is very complicated because of resonances between their mean motions.
For major satellites, as a rule, analytical theories have been
first elaborated. Since major satellites are relatively bright,
their observations have a very good precision and the number
of observations may be as much as tens of thousands. Analytical
theories of motion are very complicated also. One has to take
into account perturbations from different factors including
mutual resonant interactions. influence of satellite rotation
and tidal effects on its orbital motion.
Note that the satellites of Mars, even they are small,
are considered as major satellites.
- Inner satellites (satellites close to their planet).
They are much smaller than the major
satellites but they also move in almost circular orbits near the planet's equatorial
plane. Orbits of the inner satellites are mainly perturbed by planet's
oblateness and attraction of major satellites. Solar perturbations are very
faint. Mutual interactions are significant only in the case of the coorbital
satellites of Saturn. Because of the proximity of a bright planet and because of the small sizes
of the inner satellites themselves, their observations are very difficult abd less precise than those of
major satellites. So the motion of the inner satellites is mostly modelled by a
Keplerian orbit having uniformly precessing pericenter and node.
Such an analytical theory of motion is quite simple. The rates of precession of
pericenter and node are usually defined from observations, not from the theory of perturbations.
In this case, mean motions and semi-major axes are defined from
observations independently.
- Outer satellites (irregular).
These are fairly small bodies of our solar system.
They look like asteroids but their orbits
have large eccentricities. Orbit planes may have large
inclinations relative to the planet's equatorial plane.
Their motion is greatly influenced by solar perturbations.
When making high-precision models of their motion, one has
to take into account planet's obliquity, perturbations
from major satellites and other planets.
The building of analytical theories for outer satellites
is theoretically possible (and there were such attempts),
but large solar perturbations make this process very difficult.
Orbital periods of outer satellites are from several months
to several years. During the whole period of their
observations these satellites made less than two hundred
revolutions and the sample of data is not the best.
Therefore, modern methods of numerical integration allow
successful modelling of motion of outer satellites based
on their observations.
We developed original models for the motion of these bodies.
Original numerical models.
For the ephemerides of all outer planetary satellites,
original numerical models of motion are used which are based
on all observations available in our database at the time of its last
update (Emelyanov, 2005; Emel'yanov, Kanter, 2005).
To calculate ephemerides of outer planetary satellites, a representation
of satellite planetocentric rectangular coordinates
by Chebyshev polynomials was used. For all outer satellites,
the interval where coordinates were approximated by series
was chosen to be 20 days, while the polynomial degree was 13.
Ephemerides of all outer satellites are calculated using
models built for given time intervals. If the user wants
to get ephemerides for a date within such interval, the ephemerides
are calculated using our numerical model and the limits
of the interval are indicated. If the user enters a date out
of the interval of our numerical models, the calculating program
uses approximated Keplerian orbits which give some representation
of the orbit but do not provide a good precision.
For different satellites, the intervals of the numerical
models are different and are indicated.
Initial conditions of integration of the equations of the motion of the
defined from observations are given below. These data correspond to our model
of satellite motion, and to the adopted constants referred
to the planets and satellites.They correspond to our used methods and programs
of numerical integration. When used with other tools and other values
of constants, the provided initial conditions may lead to results slightly
different from our ephemerides. However, our initial conditions may
undoubtedly be used as an initial approximation for subsequent improvement
of orbits of outer planetary satellites.
Information on the natural satellites dynamical models and theories
used in the MULTI-SAT ephemerides server.
Satellites of Mars
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Bibliographic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Satellites of Mars
Lainey 2020
Lainey et al., 2020
1877 to 1014
Ground-based, recent spacecraft observations and the very last MEX SRC data.
to 2060/01/16
Numerical integration
Lainey 2015
Arlot et al., 2017
1877 to 2014
Ground-based, recent spacecraft observations and the very last MEX SRC data.
to 2123/07/03
Numerical integration
Lainey 2007
Lainey et al., 2007
1877 to 2005
Ground-based and recent spacecraft observations by Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express.
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical representa- tion of numerical integration
Kudryavtsev 1997
Kudryavtsev et al.,1997
Ground-based and TV measurements from the spacecrafts Mariner 9, Viking 1, 2 and Phobos 2.
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory and representa- tion
Chapront -Touze 1990
Chapront-Touze, 1990
Ground-based and observations from the spacecrafts Mariner 9, Viking 1, 2 and Phobos 2.
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory and representa- tion
Galilean satellites of Jupiter
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Biblio- graphic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representation
Dynamical model
Galilean satellites of Jupiter
J1-J4 Lainey 2009, V2.0
Lainey et al., 2009
Ground-based photographic data, transit circle and mutual
events observations 1973-2003
01/06/1903 at 12h to 13/02/2043 at 12h, TDB
Numerical integration
J1-J4 Lainey 2004, V1.1
Lainey V., Duriez L., Vienne A., 2004; Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Vienne A., 2004
Ground-based photographic data and transit circle
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical representa- tion of numerical integration
J1-J4 Arlot 1982, G-5
Arlot, 1982
Earth-based photographic observations
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory and representa- tion
J1-J4 Lieske 1998, E-5
Lieske, 1998
1967-1991: Earth-based
photographic observations
1993-1995: CCD data from Flagstaff
1652-1983: Eclipse timings 1973-1991: Mutual event data;
Voyager data.
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory and representa- tion
Inner satellites of Jupiter
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Biblio- graphic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Small inner satellites of Jupiter
J5,J14-J16 Adjusted on (Jacobson, 2009)
Emel'yanov 2015;
Jacobson, 2013
Precessing ellipses fitted by Emel'yanov (2015) to the
JPL ephemerides based on a variety of Earth-based and spacecraft observations (Jacobson, 2013).
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipses fitted
by Emel'yanov (2015) to JPL ephemerides
J5,J14-J16 Avdyushev, Ban'shikova 2008
Avdyushev, Ban'shikova, 2008
Earth-based observations.
Amalthea: 1954-2001
Thebe: 1995-2001
1954/02/14 to 2034/12/04
Numerical integration
Outer irregular satellites of Jupiter
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Biblio- graphic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Eight outer satellites of Jupiter
No choice
Emelyanov, 2005
Earth-based observations 1905-2011.
1905/01/01.0 to 2025/07/10.0
Numerical integration
New outer satellites of Jupiter
No choice
Emel'yanov, Kanter, 2005.
A variety of intervals for different satellites (from 30 days to 12 years)
1974/12/31.0 to 2027/02/16.0
Numerical integration
Main satellites of Saturn
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Biblio- graphic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Major satellites of Saturn
S1-S8 Lainey 2015
Arlot et al., 2017
Earth-based astrometric from 1885 to 2009. Mutual phenomena observations in 1995 and in 2009.
Cassini imaging 2004-2012
1950/01/01.0 to 2048/01/01.5
Numerical integration.
S1-S8 Lainey 2012
Lainey et al., 2012
Earth-based astrometric from 1874 to 2009. Mutual phenomena observations in 1995 and in 2009.
1875/01/08.8 to 2022/07/10.8
Numerical integration.
S1-S8 Vienne, Duriez 1995, 1997
Vienne and Duriez, 1995; Duriez and Vienne, 1997
Earth-based astrometric 1874-1989
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical (synthetic) theory
S1-S8 Dourneau 1987
Dourneau G., 1987
Earth-based astrometric 1874-1986
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
S1-S8 Harper, Taylor 1993, 1997
Harper and Taylor, 1993; Taylor et al., 1987
Earth-based astrometric 1874-1986
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
Inner satellites of Saturn
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Bibliographic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Helene S12,
Telesto S13,
Calypso S14,
S12-S14 Lainey 2015
Arlot et al., 2017
Earth-based 1980-1996
Cassini imaging 2004-2012
1950/01/01.0 to 2049/05/16.7
Numerical integration.
S12-S14 Oberti, Vienne 2003
Oberti, Vienne, 2003
Earth-based 1980-1996
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
S12-S14 Oberti 1990
Oberti, 1990
Earth-based 1980-1987
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
S15 Atlas,
S16 Prometheus,
S17 Pandora,
S18 Pan
S15-S18 Jacobson 2008
Jacobson et al., 2008
Cassini imaging 2004-2012
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
S15-S18 Porco 2005
Porco et al., 2005
Cassini Imaging 2004-2012
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
S34 Polydeuce
S34 Lainey 2015
Arlot et al., 2017
Earth-based 1980-1996,
Cassini imaging 2004-2012
1950/01/01.0 to 2049/05/16.7
Numerical integration
S34 Lacobson 2008
Jacobson et al., 2008
Cassini imaging 2004-2012
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
Outer irregular satellites of Saturn
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Biblio- graphic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Any choice
Desmars et al., 2013
Earth-based 1898-2012, Cassini imaging 2004-2012
1875/07/01.0 to 2022/06/30.0
Numerical integration.
New outer satellites of Saturn
Any choice
Emel'yanov, Kanter, 2005.
A variety of intervals for different satellites (from 30 days to 12 years)
1974/12/29.0 to 2028/03/20.0
Numerical integration
Satellites of Uranus
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Bibliographic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representa- tion
Dynamical model
Major satellites of Uranus
U1-U5 Lainey 2015
Lainey, 2008 & Arlot et al., 2017
Earth-based 1874-2012, Voyager 2,
Mutual events 2007-2008
1847/01/00.5 to 2145/01/02.0
Numerical integration
U1-U5 Emelyanov, Nikonchuk 2013
Emelyanov, Nikonchuk, 2013
Earth-based 1847-2008, Voyager 2,
Mutual events 2007-2008
1787/02/12.0 to 2032/01/09.0
Numerical integration
U1-U5 Laskar, Jacobson 1987, GUST86
Laskar, Jacobson, 1987
Earth-based 1911-1986, Voyager 2
Limited only by the used planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
Inner satellites of Uranus
Any choice
Jacobson, 1998; Pascu et al., 1998.
HST 1994,
Voyager-2 1985-1986
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
New outer satellites of Uranus
Any choice
Emel'yanov, Kanter, 2005.
Earth-based observations. For U16-U17: 1984-2012,
U18-U20: 1999-2010,
U21-U24: 2001-2010
1974/12/30.0 to 2025/06/25.0
Numerical integration
Satellites of Neptune
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Bibliographic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representation
Dynamical model
Satellite of Neptune Triton
Triton Emelyanov 2015
Emelyanov, Samorodov, 2015
Earth-based 1847 to 2012,
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Analytical theory
Triton Jacobson 2009
Jacobson, 2009; Emelyanov, Samorodov, 2015
Precessing ellipses fitted by Emelyanov, Samorodov (2015)
to the JPL ephemerides based on a variety
of Earth-based and spacecraft observations
(Jacobson, 2009).
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
Triton Zhang 2014
Zhang et al., 2014
Earth-based 1975 to 2006
1975/01/01.0 to 2033/01/03.0
Numerical integration
Satellite of Neptune Nereid
Any choice
Emelyanov, Arlot, 2011
Earth-based 1949 to 2010,
1920/11/29.0 to 2029/05/01.0
Numerical integration
Inner satellites of Neptune
Any choice
Owen et al., 1991;
Pascu et al., 2004;
Jacobson, 2009
HST 1997
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
Outer satellites of Neptune
Any choice
Emel'yanov, Kanter, 2005.
Earth-based 1999 to 2009
1974/12/31.0 to 2026/03/13.0
Numerical integration
Satellites of Pluto
Ephemeris designation in MULTI-SAT
Bibliographic references
Observations used for ephemeris fitting
Time periode of the ephemeris representation
Dynamical model
Satellites of Pluto
P1-P3 Beauvalet 2013
Beauvalet et al., 2013
Charon: 1992-2010
Nix, Hydra: 2002-2006
1950/01/01.1 to 2029/12/31.7
Numerical integration
P1-P3 Buie 2006
Buie et al., 2006
HST 2002, 2003
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
P1-P3 Tholen 2008
Tholen et al., 2008
For Charon: speckle interferometric data 1985.
For Charon Nix, Hydra:
Magellan telescope,
VLT 2002-2006
Limited only by the planetary ephemerides period
Precessing ellipse
Arlot, J. -E. New constants for Sampson-Lieske theory of the Galilean Satellites of Jupiter. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 1982. V. 107. N. 2. P. 305-310.
Arlot J.E., Cooper N., Emelyanov N., Lainey V., Meunier L.E., Murray C.,
Oberst J., Pascu D., Pasewaldt A., Robert V., Tajeddine R., Willner K. (2017)
Natural satellites astrometric data from either space probes and ground-based
observatories produced by the European consortium "ESPaCE".
Notes Scientifiques et Techniques de l'Institut de mécanique céleste.
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Avdyushev V. A., Ban'shikova M. A. (2008)
Determination of the orbits of inner Jupiter satellites
Solar System Research. V. 42. P.296-318.
Beauvalet L., Robert V., Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Colas, F. (2013)
ODIN: a new model and ephemeris for the Pluto system.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. V. 553, id.A14, 22 pp.
Buie M. W., Grundy W. M., Young E. F., Young L. A., Stern S. A. (2006)
Orbits and photometry of Pluto's satellites: Charon, S/2005 P1, and S/2005 P2.
The Astronomical Journal. V. 132. N. 1. P. 290-298.
Chapront-Touze M. (1990)
Orbits of the Martian satellites from ESAPHO and ESADE theories.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 240, p. 159-172.
Desmars J., Li S. N., Tajeddine R., Peng Q.Y., Tang Z.H. (2013)
Phoebe's orbit from ground-based and space-based observations
Astronomy & Astrophysics. V. 553. id. A36. 10 pp.
Dourneau G. Ph.D. Thesis (1987)
Duriez L., Vienne A. (1997)
Theory of motion and ephemerides of Hyperion.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 324. P. 366-380.
Emelyanov N.V. (2005)
Ephemerides of the outer Jovian satellites.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 435, p. 1173-1179.
Emel'yanov N. V., Kanter A. A. (2005)
Orbits of new outer planetary satellites based on observations.
Solar System Research. V. 39. N. 2. P. 112-123.
Emelyanov N. V., Arlot J.-E. (2011)
The orbit of Nereid based on observations.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 417. Issue 1. P. 458-463.
Emelyanov N. V., Nikonchuk D.V. (2013)
Ephemerides of the main Uranian satellites.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
V. 436. P. 3668-3679.
Emel'yanov N. V. (2015)
Perturbed motion at small eccentricities
Solar System Research. V. 49. No. 5. P. 346-359.
Emelyanov N. V., Samorodov M. Yu. (2015)
Analytical theory of motion and new ephemeris of Triton from observations
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 454. P. 2205-2215.
Harper D., Taylor D. B. (1993)
The orbits of the major satellites of Saturn.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 268. P. 326-349.
Jacobson R. A. (1998)
The Orbits of the Inner Uranian Satellites from Hubble Space Telescope
and Voyager 2 Observations.
The Astronomical Journal. V. 115. Issue 3. P. 1195-1199.
Jacobson R. A., Spitale J., Porco C. C., Beurle K., Cooper N. J.,
Evans M. W., Murray C. D. (2008)
Revised orbits of Saturn's small inner satellites.
Astronomical Journal. V. 135. P. 261-263.
Jacobson R. A. (2009)
The orbits of the neptunian satellites and the orientation of the pole of Neptune.
Astronomical Journal. V. 137. P. 4322-4329.
Jacobson, R.A., The orbits of the regular Jovian satellites,
their masses, and the gravity field of Jupiter, Proc. Amer.
Astron. Soc. DDA Meeting, #44, #402.04, 2013.
Kudryavtsev S.M., Kolyuka Y.F., Tikhonov V.F.
New Analytical Theory of Motion of Phobos and Deimos for Navigation Support of Mission to Mars // ESA SP-403: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics. 1997. P. 377-382.
Lainey V., Duriez L., Vienne A. (2004)
New accurate ephemerides for the Galilean satellites of Jupiter.
I. Numerical integration of elaborated equations of motion.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 420. P. 1171-1183.
Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Vienne A. (2004)
New accurate ephemerides for the Galilean satellites of Jupiter.
II. Fitting the observations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 427. P. 371-376.
Lainey V., Dehant V., Patzold M. (2007)
First numerical ephemerides of the Martian moons.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 465. p. 1075-1084.
Lainey V. (2008)
A new dynamical model for the Uranian satellites.
Planetary and Space Science. V. 56. P. 1766-1772.
Lainey V., Arlot J.-E., Karatekin O., van Hoolst T. (2009)
Strong tidal dissipation in Io and Jupiter from astrometric observations.
Nature. V. 459. Issue 7249. P. 957-959.
Lainey V., Karatekin O., Desmars J., Charnoz S., Arlot J.-E.,
Emelyanov N., Le Poncin-Lafitte Chr., Mathis S., Remus F.,
Tobie G., Zahn J.-P. (2012)
Strong tidal dissipation in Saturn and constraints on Enceladus'
thermal state from astrometry.
The Astrophysical Journal. V. 752. Issue 1. Article id. 14 (2012).
Lainey V., Pasewaldt A., Robert V., Rosenblatt P., Jaumann R.,
Oberst J., Roatsch T., Willner K., Ziese R., Thuillot W. (2020).
Mars moon ephemerides after 12 years of Mars Express data.
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Laskar J., Jacobson R.A. (1987)
GUST86 - an analytical ephemeris of the Uranian satellites.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 188. P. 212-224.
Lieske J. H. (1998)
Galilean satellite ephemerides E5.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series. V. 129. P. 205-217.
Oberti P. (1990)
Lagrangian satellites of Tethys and Dione. II - Theory of motion.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 228. P. 275-283.
Oberti P., Vienne A. (2003)
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Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 397. P. 353-359.
Pascu D., Rohde J.R., Seidelmann P.K., Wells E.N.,
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Hubble Space Telescope Astrometric Observations and Orbital
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The Astronomical Journal. V. 115. Issue 3. P. 1190-1194.
Pascu D., Rohde J. R., Seidelmann P. K.,
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Hubble Space Telescope Astrometric Observations and Orbital
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The Astronomical Journal. V. 127. N. 5. P. 2988-2996.
Porco C. C., Baker E., Barbara J., Beurle K., Brahic A., Burns J. A.,
Charnoz S., Cooper N., Dawson D. D., Del Genio A. D., Denk T.,
Dones L., Dyudina U., Evans M. W., Giese B., Grazier K.,
Helfenstein P., Ingersoll A. P., Jacobson R. A., Johnson T. V.,
McEwen A., Murray C. D., Neukum G., Owen W. M., Perry J., Roatsch T.,
Spitale J., Squyres S., Thomas P., Tiscareno M., Turtle E.,
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Science. V. 307. Issue 5713. P. 1226-1236.
Taylor D. B., Sinclair A. T., Message P. J. (1987)
Corrections to the theory of the orbit of Saturn's satellite Hyperion.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 181. P. 383-390.
Tholen D.J., Buie M.W., Grundy W.M., Elliott G.T. (2008)
Masses of Nix and Hydra.
Astronomical Journal. V. 135. P. 777-784.
Vienne A., Duriez L. (1995)
TASS1.6: Ephemerides of the major Saturnian satellites.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 297. P. 588.
Zhang H. Y., Shen K. X., Dourneau G., Harper D.,
Qiao R. C., Xi X. J., Cheng X., Yan D., Li S. N., Wang S. H. (2014)
An orbital determination of Triton with the use of a revised pole model.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2014. V. 438. P. 1663-1668.
Theories used for the planetary motion..
To calculate topocentric or geocentric satellite coordinates,
heliocentric rectangular coordinates of the corresponding planet
are necessary. It is not essential to use very accurate models of planetary
motion to calculate relative coordinates of satellites (satellite / planet,
satellite / satellite) but the result on the satellite positions, however,
depends on the planetary model. Contrarily, to calculate the absolute
coordinates of the satellites (right ascension and declination),
the ephemeris used for the planet is very important because its accuracy
will be reported on that of the satellite. There will be accumulated
errors from both ephemeris (planet + satellite).
planetary ephemerides made at IMCCE (France), at IAA RAS (Russia),
and at JPL (USA) are proposed by our ephemerides server:
1. INPOP19a - IMCCE (Fienga et al., 2019)
2. INPOP17a - IMCCE (Viswanathan, Fienga, Gastineau, Laskar, 2017)
3. INPOP13C - IMCCE (Fienga, Manche, Laskar, Gastineau, Verma, 2014)
4. EPM2017 - IAA RAS
5. DE431 - JPL {Folkner, Williams, Boggs, Park, Kuchynka, 2014)
6. DE441 - JPL {Park et al., 2021)
7. DE405 - JPL {Standish, 1998)
8. DE406 - JPL {Standish, 1998)
9. DE200 - JPL {Standish, 1990)
10. VSOP87 - IMCCE (Bretagnon and Francou, 1988)
The user may select any of these planetary ephemerides.
Ephemerides intervals when using planetary ephemerides:
MJD MJD d m y d m y
INPOP19a: -323399 - 426488 ( 0 h 10/06/ 973 - 0 h 25/07/3026)
INPOP17a: -323431 - 426521 ( 0 h 09/05/ 973 - 0 h 27/08/3026)
INPOP13C: -323431 - 426521 ( 0 h 09/05/ 973 - 0 h 27/08/3026)
EPM2017: -26000 - 130000 ( 0 h 10/09/1787 - 0 h 22/10/2214)
DE431: covering years -13,200 to +17,191
DE441: -94576 - 124624 ( 0 h 09/12/1599 - 0 h 22/10/2204) (Cropped version)
DE405: 4048 - 69808 ( 0 h 17/12/1869 - 0 h 02/01/2050)
DE406: 45 - 88068 ( 0 h 01/01/1859 - 0 h 31/01/2099)
DE200: 33264 - 69808 ( 0 h 14/12/1949 - 0 h 02/01/2050)
VSOP87: 45 - 88068 ( 0 h 01/01/1859 - 0 h 31/12/2099)
References to the cited publications.
- Bretagnon P., Francou G.
Planetary theories in
rectangular and spherical variables. VSOP87 solutions. Astronomy
and Astrophysics. 1988. V. 202. P. 309.
- Fienga A., Laskar J., Morley T., Manche H., Kuchynka P., Le Poncin-Lafitte C.,
Budnik F., Gastineau M., Somenzi L.
INPOP08, a 4-D planetary ephemeris: from asteroid and time-scale computations
to ESA Mars Express and Venus Express contributions.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2009. V. 507. P. 1675-1686.
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The server MULTI-SAT: phenomena and configurations
of the planetary satellites.
Information on methods used for calculate special ephemerides
Phenomena of the natural planetary satellites
The Galilean satellites of Jupiter, the main satellites
of Saturn and Uranus.
The software allows to calculate the phenomena for any period of time.
It allows also to choose the ephemerides used for the calculation.
These satellites present phenomena of eclipses
and occultations by their planet,
transits and shadows on the disk of the planet near every day for Jupiter,
every 15 years for Saturn and every 42 years for Uranus (in 2006-2010).
In the case of the Jovian systemn one time every six years, during one year,
the satellites will occult and eclipse themselves by pairs: these are the
mutual phenomena. For the major satellites of Saturn, mutual events occur
also every 15 years during only one year. For the major satellites of Uranus,
mutual events only every 42 years.
Elongations of the satellites
The dates of maximum elongation of the satellites are very interesting
for programming observations, especially for those satellites too close
to their bright planet polluting observations. Thus, the elongation
moments are favorable for the observation of some satellites.
The calculation software offers the choice of models as in the
case of conventional ephemerides.
Observations of the coorbital satellites of Saturn.
The ephemerides of these satellites were calculated using our
ephemerides built with the formulae published in the
papers of Yoder et al. (1989) and Nicholson et al. (1992).
References to the cited publications.
- Nicholson P.D., Hamilton D.P., Matthews K., Yoder
New observations of Saturn's coorbital
satellites. Icarus. 1992. V. 100. N. 2. P. 464-484.
- Yoder C.F., Synnott S.P., Salo H.
Orbits and masses of
Saturn's co-orbiting satellites, Janus and
Epimetheus. Astronomical Journal. 1989. V. 98. P. 1875-1889.