CONTENTS OF THE FILE data-inner-2015.txt Contents: planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J5 Amalthea, J14 Thebe total number: 4 observations of 4 events type: photometric observations dates: observed from January 2015 until April 2015, observatories: these events are observed from 2 sites, References: These observations are described in, . for the observations from the PHEMU85 campaign: Saquet, E.; Emelyanov, N.; Colas, F.; Arlot, J.-E.; Robert, V.; Christophe, B.; Dechambre, O. 2016,"Eclipses of the inner satellites of Jupiter observed in 2015", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 591, id.A42, 6 pp. Format: This is four files of photometric measurements providing the observed light curves