=============================================================================== CONTENTS: Observational data of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter occurring in 1985. data1: The file phemu85-data.txt Contents: - 167 observations of 64 events observed from may 1985 until december 1985, - these events are observed from 25 sites, - the file provides one record for each individual observation of an event. Format: This is a sequential file and each observation is given as a record of 73 bytes with a following format, - the date of the minimum of the light curve in UTC I4,5I2, - the code of event A4, - the error on the date of the minimum in seconds I3, - the magnitude drop in magnitude unit F5.3, - the error on the magnitude in magnitude unit F5.3, - the C-O in seconds from the ephemerides G-5 I4, - the observational site A5, - the code of the observers A3, - the code of the instrument L, T ou X A1, - the aperture in centimeter I3, - the code of receptor A3, - the filter used A3, - the integration time in seconds F4.1, - the number of satellites in the diaphragm A3, - the distance to Jupiter in jovian radii F4.1, - the elevation of Jupiter in degrees I3, - the elevation of the Sun in degrees I3, - the internal bibliographic code, A1, - the codes for the observational conditions I2, Code of event: in the format, xMyC, as, - x, occulting or eclipsing satellite - M, type of event O, for Occult E, for Eclipses - y, occulted or eclipsed satellite - C, Category of event, P, Partial event T, Total event A, Annular event B, eclipse by penumBra G, Grazing occultation Code of the observers: cf. reference paper Code of the instrument: L, refractor T, reflector X, unknown Code of receptor: cf. reference paper Code for the observational conditions 0 = unknown observational conditions 1 = very good observational conditions 2 = acceptable observational conditions 3 = difficult observational conditions Data2: The photometric lightcurves Contents: - 167 observations of 64 events observed from may 1985 until december 1985, - each light curve corresponding to each observation, - the light curves are provided in the files dXXXXaammjj.dat where XXXX is the coded name of the site of observation on 4 characters, aammjj, la date. Format: The lightcurves are provided in the files d.... with the following format, - first line event, date, site of observation, number of points, - third line longitude and latitude de of the observatory, the longitude is counted in hours and decimal fraction counted positively towards WEST (format F10.6), the latitude is counted in RADIANS counted positively towards north (format F9.7), - line 5 and next hour minute second in UTC, magnitude drop. References: These observations are described in, . for the observations from the PHEMU85 campaign: Arlot, J.-E., Thuillot, W., Barroso J. Jr, Bergeal, L., Blanco, C., Boninsegna, R., Bouchet, P., Bourgeois, J., Briot, D., Bulder, H., Burchi, R., Cano, J.A., Colas, F., D'Ambrosio, V., Di Paolantonio, A., Dourneau, G., Dumont, M., Ferrand, S., Figer, A., Francou, G.,Froeschle, M., Gomez-Forellad, J.M., Gouiffes, C., Helmer, G., Jablonsky, F.J., Laques, P., Le Campion, J.-F., Lecacheux, J., Lecontel, J.-M., Manfroid, J., Meyer, C., Morando, B., Quast, G.R., Remis, J., Renaudineau, J., Rouan, D., Ruatti, Ch., Sareyan, J.-P., Schmieder, F.X.,Sevre, F., Souchay, J., Valtier, J.C., Vu, D.T., Wahiche, J.-D.:1992, "A catalogue of the observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in 1985 during the PHEMU85 Campaign", Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 92, 151-205. . for the observation made at Archenhold-Sternwarte Observatory (Germany) on September 4, 1985 Von Konrad Guhl: private communication. The lightcurve of this event is in the file: dberlin3e2.049 . ==============================================================================