Contents. planet: 8 - Neptune satellites: N1-Triton :3 total number: 3 type: relative dates: 1999-1999 observatory: 673 -Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood Reference. (1999) Communicated to NSDC by W. M. Owen Jr., Informations. relative to: 8 - Neptune reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocentre epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: no information coordinates: differential diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Reflector, D = 0.61 m, f/16 observers: Owen Jr.W.M. data included in standard data file: no Comments. no information Format. 1. Number of satellite (N sat) 2. Year of the moment of observation 3. Month of the moment of observation 4. Day of the moment of observation with decimals 5. Delta alpha, sec of time 6. Delta delta, arcsec ------------------------------------------------- N Year UT Delta alpha Delta delta sat. month day with decimals sec of time arcsec -------------------------------------------------