1979 01 14 : J2 occults J3 OHP-observatoire de Haute Provence (France) 80cm-telescope altitude 650m lat=43d55'56.6"N lon=5d42'52.3"E good atmospheric conditions band 880nm of the Quantacon RCA C31034A photometer column 1: minutes from 23h UT column 2: photometric flux (100=sat J2 and J3 before the event) 26.391309 99.72727273 26.913048 100.6363636 27.434787 99.54545455 27.782613 99.18181819 28.304352 99.54545455 28.826091 100.4545455 29.521743 100.2727273 30.043482 99.72727273 30.391308 100.4545455 30.913047 99.90909091 31.434786 100.2727273 31.782612 99.36363637 32.304351 100.2727273 32.82609 99.72727273 33.173916 99.54545455 33.695655 99.54545455 33.869568 99.00000001 34.391307 98.81818183 34.913046 99.18181819 35.260872 98.81818183 35.608698 98.81818183 36.478263 98.63636365 36.826089 99.00000001 37.347828 99.36363637 37.869567 99.36363637 38.391306 98.81818183 38.739132 98.09090911 39.434784 98.63636365 39.78261 97.72727275 40.478262 98.09090911 40.826088 97.90909093 41.347827 98.27272729 41.869566 98.27272729 42.391305 98.09090911 42.913044 98.09090911 43.26087 98.63636365 43.782609 99.54545455 44.304348 99.90909091 44.826087 99.00000001 45.347826 99.36363637 45.869565 99.54545455 46.391304 99.72727273 46.913043 99.90909091 47.434782 99.18181819 47.956521 100.0909091 48.47826 99.72727273 48.826086 99.54545455 49.347825 99.72727273 49.869564 99.36363637 50.391303 100.0909091 50.913042 100.2727273