1979 01 28 : J2 eclipses and occults J3 La Silla observatory (Chile) 1m-telescope altitude 2400m lat=29d15' S lon=70d44' W good atmospheric conditions V-band Cousins of EMI 6256 photometer cathode S13 column 1: minutes from 10h Local Sideral Time column 2: magnitude 30 4.21551247 30.753138 4.218614964 31.882845 4.229473693 33.389121 4.243434916 34.142259 4.243434916 35.271966 4.251191151 36.025104 4.260498633 37.53138 4.265152374 39.414225 4.27756235 40.543932 4.286869832 41.29707 4.310138537 42.803346 4.314792278 43.556484 4.328753501 44.686191 4.331855995 45.439329 4.338060983 46.569036 4.352022206 47.698743 4.356675947 48.451881 4.369085923 49.581588 4.381495899 51.841002 4.397008369 52.59414 4.412520839 53.723847 4.415623333 54.476985 4.414072086 55.606692 4.43268705 56.35983 4.434238297 57.489537 4.431135803 58.619244 4.429584556 59.372382 4.438892038 60.878658 4.429584556 67.6569 4.389252134 69.539745 4.365983429 70.292883 4.359778441 71.42259 4.358227194 72.175728 4.359778441 74.435142 4.344265971 75.941418 4.342714724 76.317987 4.336509736 77.824263 4.33961223 78.95397 4.347368465 80.460246 4.342714724 81.966522 4.350470959 82.71966 4.356675947 83.849367 4.361329688 84.602505 4.372188417 85.732212 4.379944652 86.861919 4.395457122 87.238488 4.40166211 87.991626 4.414072086 88.368195 4.43268705 89.874471 4.429584556 92.133885 4.443545779 92.887023 4.455955755 94.01673 4.452853261 94.769868 4.454404508 95.899575 4.466814484 97.029282 4.465263237 98.158989 4.469916978 100.041834 4.47922446 101.171541 4.474570719 103.054386 4.485429448 104.184093 4.482326954 105.3138 4.471468225 106.443507 4.462160743 107.573214 4.43268705 112.468611 4.344265971 113.974887 4.3551247 115.857732 4.276011103 116.987439 4.266703621 117.740577 4.26204988 119.246853 4.249639904 119.999991 4.235678681 121.129698 4.223268705 122.259405 4.209307482