Date - date of observation.
Type - the type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation)
including the satellite numbers in the form "nem" or "nom",
where n is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite
and m - is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite.
Obs - observatory code.
UTC - the time instant in the UTC scale (h, m, s).
pos - position angle (degrees, ICRF) of the occulting or eclipsing satellite
relative to the occulted or eclipsed one.
prec. - precision (arcsec) of apparent position
along the apparent relative trajectory of the satellite
as obtained with the least-square method.
R - sign showing the reason why only one coordinate was determined:
0 - for a total mutual eclipse or occultation observed,
1 - for the results obtained from poor photometric data.
In these cases the apparent relative position of the satellite
measured across the apparent trajectory can not be determined
accurately enough and therefore position angles can be determined only
up to ± 180 degrees.
Graph - link to the graphcs (points - measured normalized flux
(line - modelled flux after the fit, time is in minutes from 0 h in TT scale)