Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1-Io : 49, J2-Europe : 55, J3-Ganymede: 56, J4-Callisto: 58 total number: 218 type: absolute dates: 1998-1998 observatory: 689 - Flagstaff Reference. Stone, R.C., and Harris, F.H. (2000), CCD Positions Determined in the International Celestial Reference Frame for the Outer Planets and Many of Their Satellites in 1995-1999 The Astronomical Journal, v. 119, p. 1985. 2000AJ____119_1985S Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocentre epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: Catalogue - AST coordinates: absolute diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Flagstaff Astrometric Transit Telescope (FASTT) observers: Stone R.C. data included in standard data file: no Comments. no information Format. 1. Number of satellite (N sat) 2. Year of the moment of observation 3. Month of the moment of observation 4. Day of the moment of observation 5. Hour of the moment of observation 6. Minute of the moment of observation 7. Second of the moment of observation 8. Hour of right ascension (alpha, h) 9. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m) 10. Second of right ascension (alpha, s) 11. Degree of declination (delta, deg) 12. Minute of declination (delta, ' ) 13. Second of declination (delta, '' ) 14. Geocentric parallax in RA (arcsec) [geo - topo positions] 15. Geocentric parallax in Dec (arcsec) [geo - topo positions] -------------------------------------------------------------------- N Year h alpha delta parallax sat month m alpha delta day s h m s deg ' '' arcsec --------------------------------------------------------------------