Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 5, J2 - Europa : 9 total number: 14 type: relative dates: 2009-2009 observatory: see observatories coordinates below. Reference. J.-E. Arlot, N. Emelyanov, M. I. Varfolomeev, A. Amosse, C. Arena, M. Assafin, L. Barbieri, S. Bolzoni, F. Bragas-Ribas, J. I. B. Camargo, F. Casarramona, R. Casas, A. Christou, F. Colas, A. Collard, S. Combe, M. Constantinescu, G. Dangl, P. De Cat, S. Degenhardt, M. Delcroix, A. Dias-Oliveira, G. Dourneau, A. Douvris, C. Druon, C. K. Ellington, G. Estraviz, P. Farissier, A. Farmakopoulos, J. Garlitz, D. Gault, T. George, S. Yu. Gorda, J. Grismore, D. F. Guo, D. Herald, M. Ida, M. Ishida, A. V. Ivanov, B. Klemt, N. Koshkin, J. F. Le Campion, A. Liakos, S. L. Liao, S. N. Li, B. Loader, C. Lopresti, E. Lo Savio, A. Marchini, G. Marino, G. Masi, A. Massalle, R. Maulella, J. McFarland, K. Miyashita, C. Napol, B. Noyelles, T. Pauwels, H. Pavlov, Q. Y. Peng, C. Perello, V. Priban, J. Prost, S. Razemon, J. P. Rousselle, J. Rovira, R. Ruisi, N. Ruocco, F. Salvaggio, G. Sbarufatti, L. Shakun, A. Scheck, C. Sciuto, D. N. da Silva Neto, N.V Sinyaeva, A. Sofia, A. Sonka, J. Talbot, Z. H. Tang, V. G. Tejfel, W. Thuillot, K. Tigani, B. Timerson, E. Tontodonati, V. Tsamis, M. Unwin, R. Venable, R. Vieira-Martins, J. Vilar, P. Vingerhoets, H. Watanabe, H. X. Yin, Y. Yu, and R. Zambelli The PHEMU09 catalogue and astrometric results of the observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in 2009. Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 572. 2014. Id. A120. 9 pp. 2014A&A___572A_120A Informations. relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite: J1 - Io : 7, J2 - Europa : 5, J3 - Ganymede : 2 reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocenter for mutual occultation or heliocenter for mutual eclipse epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses coordinates: Position angle (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) diff. refraction: no information receptor: photometric (see the relevant article) telescope: See in the publication observers: See in the publication data included in standard data file: no Comments. Data are deduced from the photometric observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses made during the international campaign in 2009. The description of these astrometric data and are given in the relevant article (see Reference). The coordinates of the observatories are given below. The second group of the data is presented in this item. The "O-C" are given with respect of the theory by V.Lainey (Lainey, V., Arlot, J. E., Karatekin, O., van Hoolst, T. 2009. Nature. V. 459. P 957.) The first group of the data see in the following item jg0038 of the NSDC. Observatory coordinates: Code Longitude Latitude Elevation, Name Country deg ' '' deg ' '' m ASM: Scaggsville USA 76 53 12 W 39 8 59 N 117 BBH: Herne Germany? 7 10 30 E 51 31 35 N 55 BCS: Bucharest Romania 26 5 34 E 44 26 55 N 80 BCT: Bucharest_2 Romania 22 46 15 E 46 46 44 N 1400 BDX: Bordeaux France 0 31 39 W 44 50 6 N 73 BLN: Darfield New Zealand 172 6 24 E 43 28 53 S ??? BN_: Lille France 3 4 15 E 50 36 37 N 32 BTN: Newark USA 77 7 7 W 43 0 24 N 165 CAL: Anthon France 5 9 59 E 45 47 30 N 214 CED: Edmond USA 97 31 3 W 35 39 44 N 339 CKE: Kent USA 122 9 34 W 47 21 37 N 124 CM_: Armagh Northern Ireland 6 38 59 W 54 21 11 N 67 CPS: Sabadell Spain 2 6 32 E 41 32 16 N 184 DC_: Kuriwa Australia 150 38 28 E 33 39 52 S 286 DH_: Kambah Australia 149 3 49 E 35 12 56 S ??? DO_: Sparta Greece 22 25 60 E 37 4 0 N 0 FA_: Keratea Greece 24 2 29 E 37 49 60 N 0 GA1: Catania Italy 15 3 18 E 37 32 37 N 325 GA2: Medelana Italy 11 9 9 E 44 21 44 N 651 GA3: Gragnola Italy 10 6 31 E 44 11 21 N 0 GA4: Catania_M Italy 15 3 52 E 37 37 47 N 700 GA5: Siena Italy 11 20 12 E 43 18 45 N 50 GA6: LaSpezia Italy 9 49 39 E 44 6 27 N 0 GA8: Sorrento Italy 14 21 27 E 40 37 7 N 275 GA9: Palermo Italy 13 20 20 E 38 9 14 N 30 GAC: Ceccano Italy 13 19 43 E 41 34 6 N 190 GAN: Catania_N Italy 15 4 30 E 37 30 30 N 30 GAS: GAS_Pulkovo Russia 42 40 0 E 43 44 54 N 2070 GB1: Catania_23 Italy 15 3 18 E 37 32 37 N 325 GB2: Castel_di_Judica Italy 14 43 0 E 37 28 37 N 175 GB4: Caselle Italy 9 47 52 E 45 5 54 N 44 GB6: Ragusa Italy 14 43 60 E 36 55 0 N 40 GB7: Castelnuovo Italy 10 0 28 E 44 6 17 N 325 GBC: Castiglione Italy 15 3 51 E 37 48 55 N 1481 GD_: Waidhofen Austria 15 13 60 E 48 47 28 N 601 GJP: Hartford USA 117 55 15 W 45 34 22 N 835 HP_: Marsfield Australia 151 6 12 E 33 46 14 S ??? JAN: Akashina-Nanaki Japan 137 56 45 E 36 19 56 N 901 JGB: Bartlesville USA 95 57 10 W 36 43 5 N 232 JGC: Ochelata USA 95 59 51 W 36 35 60 N 262 JGO: Sabadell_50 Spain 2 5 29 E 41 33 4 N 224 JHS: Okino Japan 136 12 25 E 35 6 6 N 140 JIM: Mie Japan 136 33 34 E 35 7 10 N 92 JMS: Moriyama Japan 135 56 34 E 35 6 22 N 85 JPP: Sainte-Maxime France 6 35 60 E 43 45 4 N 30 JRM: Moia Spain 2 5 44 E 41 49 5 N 822 JTN: Waikanae New Zealand 175 1 57 E 40 51 20 S 5 JVM: Mundolsheim France 7 42 46 E 48 38 48 N 140 KOU Kourovskaya Russia 59 32 50 E 57 2 12 N 280 LI_: Athens Greece 23 46 60 E 37 58 7 N 0 LNA: LasNegras Spain 2 0 55 W 36 52 5 N 50 MD_: Tournefeuille France 1 19 34 E 43 34 59 N ??? MEU: Meudon France 2 13 52 E 48 36 51 N ??? MUH: Haast New Zealand 168 51 30 E 43 56 23 S 5 MU_: Christchurch New Zealand 172 38 27 E 43 29 49 S 10 OK_: Odessa Ukraine 30 45 20 E 46 28 40 N 86 PAR: Parnon Greece 22 35 5 E 37 15 39 N 1420 PFC: Pic_du_Midi France 0 8 32 E 42 44 41 N 2860 RCS: Sabadell_16 Spain 2 5 29 E 41 33 4 N 224 RVC: Chester USA 83 12 7 W 32 22 14 N 101 SB_: Busto_Arsizio Italy 8 51 9 E 45 36 11 N 235 SD_: Columbia USA 86 59 43 W 35 31 36 N 231 SHS: Zhejiang China 119 36 15 E 30 8 0 N 993 TAA: Alma-Ata Kazakhstan 76 57 15 E 43 12 0 N 1450 TCK: Keratea_M Greece 24 2 29 E 37 49 60 N 0 TC_: Ellinogermaniki Greece 23 53 36 E 37 59 52 N 0 TG_: Umatilla USA 119 17 46 W 45 55 20 N ??? TPB: Ukkel Belgium 4 21 28 E 50 47 51 N 105 TTS: Sounion Greece 24 1 0 E 37 40 0 N 0 TT_: Lavrion Greece 24 2 60 E 37 43 0 N 0 VPP: Praha Czech republic 14 28 30 E 50 8 27 N 325 WEI: Weihai China 122 2 59 E 37 32 9 N ??? ITA: Itajuba Brazil 45 32 57 W 22 32 22 S 1860 Format. 1. Year of observation 2. Month of observation 3. Day of observation 4. The type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation) including the satellite numbers. The type of phenomenon is coded as n_a o n_p or n_a e n_p for a mutual occultation or eclipse, respectively. Here $n_a$ is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite and $n_p$ is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite. 5. Observatory code (see the table in the relevant article). 6. Hour of the astrometric data (UTC) 7. Minute of the astrometric data (UTC) 8. Seconde of the astrometric data with decimals (UTC) 9. Position angle A in degrees (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) 10. Precision of apparent position along the apparent relative trajectory of the satellite as obtained with the least-square method, in arcseconds 11. O-C along the apparent relative trajectory, in arcseconds. 12. Flag R assigned showing the reason why only one coordinate was determined: ’0’ for a total mutual eclipse or occultation observed, ’1’ for the results obtained from poor photometric data ------------------------------------------------------------ Year Observatory Position sigma month code angle A O-C R date Type h m s deg arcsec arcsec ------------------------------------------------------------