Contents. planet: 5 -Jupiter satellites: J1-Io : 37, J2-Europe : 37, J3-Ganymede : 37, J4-Callisto : 43 total number: 154 type: absolute dates: 2013-2015 observatory: 084 - Pulkovo Reference. Narizhnaya N. V. (2016) Observations of the Galilean moons of Jupiter in 2013-2015 at Pulkovo. Solar System Research. Vol. 50. N. 5. P. 344-351. 2016SoSyR__50__344N Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: astrometric center of frame: topocenter epoch of equinox: J2000.0 time scale: UTC reduction: UCAC4 coordinates: absolute diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Pulkovo Normal Astrograph (D/F = 330 mm / 3467 mm) observers: Narizhnaya N. V. data included in standard data file: no Comments. Format. 1. Number of satellite (N): 1 - J1, 2 - J2, 3 - J3, 4 - J4 2. Julian date of the moment of observation 2. Year of the moment of observation 3. Month of the moment of observation 4. Day of the moment of observation with decimals 5. Hour of right ascension (alpha, h) 6. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m) 7. Second of right ascension (alpha, s) with decimals 8. Degree of declination (delta, deg) 9. Minute of declination (delta, ' ) 10. Second of declination (delta, '' ) with decimals -------------------------------------------------------------- N JD Year Day alpha delta Month h m s deg ' '' --------------------------------------------------------------