      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J1 - Io       : 25,
              J2 - Europa   :  5,
              J3 - Ganymede :  6,
total number: 36
        type: relative-APPROX
       dates: 2014-2015
 observatory: IAU-874 OPD - Itajuba/MG-Brazil

   Morgado B., Assafin  M., Vieira-Martins R., Camargo J. I. B., Dias-Oliveira A.,
   Gomes-Júnior A. R. (2016)
   Astrometry of mutual approximations between natural satellites. 
   Application to the Galilean moons
   MNRAS, 460(4),4086–4097

         relative to: reference body:
                      J2 - Europa   : 13,
                      J3 - Ganymede : 14,
                      J4 - Callisto :  9,
     reference frame: no object 
     centre of frame: topocenter
   epoch of equinox:  no object
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: from mutual approximations
         coordinates: Central Instant of Mutual approximations
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: see article
           observers: see article
 data included in standard data file: no

    The technique of mutual approximations accurately gives the central instant 
    at the maximum apparent approximation of two moving natural satellites in the sky plane.
    Observatory coordinates:
    OPD: 45 deg 34' 57.5'' W   22 deg 32' 07.8'' S   Alt 1864 m

  1. Year of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation
  2. Month of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation
  3. Day of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation
  4. Hour of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation (UTC)
  5. Minute of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation (UTC)
  6. Seconds of the Central Instant of Mutual approximation (UTC)
  7. Sat1, number of the first satellite in the pair of the Mutual approximation 
  8. Sat2, number of the second satellite in the pair of the Mutual approximation 
  9. sigma t0, the central instant error in seconds of time
 10. sigma t0, the central instant error in mas 
     (using the relative velocity in each event obtained with the ephemeris}
 11. Delta t - the difference of t0 in seconds of time between the observation and the ephemeris
     jup310 (with DE435) from JPL in the sense "observation minus ephemeris"
 12. Delta t - the difference of t0 in mas between the observation and the ephemeris
     jup310 (with DE435) from JPL in the sense "observation minus ephemeris"
 13. N, sequential number with time that labels each observed mutual approximation 
 14. Obs code, the code of observatory (see above)

  month              Sat1      sigma t0    Delta t     N   Obs
       day  h  m  s      Sat2 sec   mas   sec   mas       code