      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J3 - Ganymede : 16
              J4 - Callisto : 13
total number: 29
        type: absolute
       dates: 1990-1993
 observatory: 248 - Hipparcos

    [1] Hestroffer D., Morando B., Hog E., Kovalevsky J., Lindegren L., and Mignard F. (1998)
    The Hipparcos Solar System Objects Catalogues.
    Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 334. P. 325-336.
    [2] The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues. Vol. 1: Introduction and Guide to the Data.
           relative to: absolute
       reference frame: astrometric
       center of frame: Hipparcos satellite
      epoch of equinox: ICRS/J2000.0
            time scale: TT
             reduction: Hipparcos Catalogue
           coordinates: absolute
      diff. refraction: 
              receptor: photomultiplier tubes
             telescope: Star Mapper System
             observers: the data were analyzed by TDAC (Tycho Data Analysis Consortium)
data included in standard data file: no


  1. Satellite number, N (902 - Ganymede, 903 - Callisto)
  2. Measurement epoch with respect to JD 2440000.0, epoch
  3. Right ascension with decimals (alpha, deg)
  4. Declination with decimals (delta, deg)
  5. Magnitude B in the Tycho system, MagB (99.99 if not available)
  6. Magnitude V in the Tycho system, MagV (99.99 if not available)
  7. Standard error in right ascension, siga (mas)
  8. Standard error in declination, sigd (mas)
  9. Correlation coefficient between siga and sigd, ro
N    epoch        alpha        delta       MagB  MagV  siga sigd     ro
                   deg          deg                    mas   mas       