      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J1 - Io       :  28,
              J2 - Europa   :  10,
              J3 - Ganymede :  11,
              J4 - Callisto :   4
total number: 53
        type: relative
       dates: 2009-2015
 observatory: see observatories coordinates below.

Emel'yanov N.V., Arlot J.-E., Zhang X.L., Bradshaw J., De Cat P., Han X. L., Ivantsov A.,
Jindra J., Maigurova N., Manek J., Pauwels T., Pomazan A., Vingerhoets  P.
Astrometric Results for Observations of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites
During Mutual Occultations and Eclipses in 2009 and 2014-2015.
Solar System Research. 2019. V. 53. No. 6. P. 436-442. 

         relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite:
                      J1 - Io       :  13,
                      J2 - Europa   :  24,
                      J3 - Ganymede :  12,
                      J4 - Callisto :   4
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocenter for mutual occultation
                      or heliocenter for mutual eclipse
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses
         coordinates: X, Y (topocentric for mutual occultation
                      or heliocentric for mutual eclipse)
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photometric (see the relevant article)
           telescope: See in the publication
           observers: See in the publication
 data included in standard data file: no

     Data are deduced from the photometric observations
     of the mutual occultations and eclipses made 
     during the international campaign in 2014-2015. 
     The description of these astrometric data and
     are given in the relevant article (see Reference).
     The coordinates of the observatories are given below.
     The first group of the data is presented in this item.
     The "O-C' are given with respect of the theory by V.Lainey
     (Lainey, V., Arlot, J. E., Karatekin, O., van Hoolst, T. 2009. 
     Nature. V. 459. P 957.)
     The second group of the data see in the following item jg0058 of the NSDC.
Observatory code with geographic coordinates or IAU code
and telescope parameters. 

      Longitude   Latitude   Altitude Telescope      Observatory    Country
      to the East to the N/S meters   type Diameter  name                          IAU code 
Code  deg ' ''    deg ' ''                       cm                                if available
BAR   14 22 18 E  50  1 54 N   352    Newton     20  Barrandov      Czech Republic 
UKK    4 21 29 E  50 47 55 N   105    Schmidt    85  Ukkel          Belgium
YU6  102 47  0 E  25  2  0 N  2014    Reflector  60  Yunnan         China 
089                                   Refractor  12  Nikolaev       Ukraine        089
BRA  152 52 23 E  27 21 23 S    95    Reflector  50  Samford Valley Australia
ZUB   16  7 32 E  49 34 45 N   672    Reflector  28  Zubri          Czech Republic  
CTO                                   SARA       60  Cerro Tololo   Chile          807
KPO                                   SARA       90  Kitt Peak      USA            G82

  1. Observatory code see the table above.
  2. The type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation) including the
     satellite numbers. The type of phenomenon is coded as n_a o n_p 
     or n_a e n_p for a mutual occultation or eclipse, respectively.
     Here $n_a$ is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite 
     and $n_p$ is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite.
  3. Year of observation
  4. Month of observation
  5. Day of observation
  6. Hour of the astrometric data (UTC)
  7. Minute of the astrometric data (UTC)
  8. Seconde of the astrometric data with decimals (UTC)
  9. X coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation
                                or heliocentric for mutual eclipse)
 10. Y coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation
                                or heliocentric for mutual eclipse)
 11. sigma of X in arcseconds
 12. sigma of Y in arcseconds
 13. "O-C" for X in arcseconds
 14. "O-C" for Y in arcseconds
 15. Angular separation s (in arcseconds) corresponding to X, Y.
 16. Position angle A (in degrees) corresponding to X, Y.
 17. Flag Q indicating the quality and the reliability of the result:
     Q=0 - normal result,
     Q=1 - doubtful photometric data
 18. The minimum level S min of normalized flux.

Observ. Year                                                                       Separation Position
code        month                  X        Y     sigma X  sigma Y   O-C(X)   O-C(Y)     s    angle   Q
    Type      date  h  m  s      arcsec   arcsec   arcsec   arcsec   arcsec   arcsec   arcsec degrees    S min