Contents. planet: 5 -Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 321, J2 - Europe : 239, J3 - Ganymede : 111, J4 - Callisto : 0 total number: 671 type: relative dates: 2018 observatory: 084 - Pulkovo Reference. Narizhnaya, N. V.; Khovrichev, M. Yu.; Bikulova, D. A. (2019) Observations of the Galilean Moons of Jupiter at Pulkovo in 2018. Solar System Research. Vol. 53. N. 5. P. 368-375. 2019SoSyR__53__368N Informations. relative to: satellite (J2 - 101, J3 - 249, J4 - 321) reference frame: astrometric center of frame: topocenter epoch of equinox: J2000.0 time scale: UTC reduction: Gaia DR1 coordinates: differential: delta(Alpha), delta(Delta) diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Pulkovo Normal Astrograph (D/F = 330/3467 mm) observers: Narizhnaya, N. V.; Khovrichev, M. Yu.; Bikulova, D. A. data included in standard data file: no Comments. (O-C) rediduals were obtained with the MULTI-SAT web-server where the EPM2017 and V.Lainey-V.2.0|V1.1 theories were used Format. 1. Number of satellite (N): 1 - J1, 2 - J2, 3 - J3 2. Number of reference satellite (Nr): 2 - J2, 3 - J3, 4 - J4 3. Year of the mean observation date 4. Month of the mean observation date 5. Day of the mean observation date with decimals 6. Differential right ascension (dRA, arcsec) 7. Differential declination (dDE, arcsec) 8. (O-C) residual in right ascension ((O-C)RA, arcsec) 9. (O-C) residual in declination ((O-C)D, arcsec) 10. Error of mean O-C in right ascension (e(O-C)RA, arcsec) 11. Error of mean O-C in declination (e(O-C)D, arcsec) --------------------------------------------------------------------- N Year Day dRA dDE (O-C)RA (O-C)D e(O-C)RA e(O-C)D Nr Month arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec ---------------------------------------------------------------------