      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J1 - Io       :  9,
              J2 - Europa   : 18,
              J3 - Ganymede : 13,
              J4 - Callisto :  7
total number: 47
        type: relative
       dates: 2014-2015
 observatory: see observatories coordinates below.

   Morgado B., Vieira-Martins R., Assafin M., Dias-Oliveira A.,
   Machado D. I., Camargo J. I. B., Malacarne M., Sfair R.,
   Winter O. C., Braga-Ribas F., Benedetti-Rossi G.,
   Boldrin L. A., Camargo B. C. B. Gaspar H. S.,
   Gomes-JĂșnior A. R., Miranda J. O., de Santana T., Trabuco L. L. (2019)
   The 2014-2015 Brazilian Mutual Phenomena campaign
   for the Jovian satellites and improved results for the 2009 events.
   Planetary and Space Science. V. 179. Article id. 104736. 

         relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite:
                      J1 - Io       : 26,
                      J2 - Europa   : 11,
                      J3 - Ganymede :  8,
                      J4 - Callisto :  2
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocenter for mutual occultation
                      or heliocenter for mutual eclipse
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses
         coordinates: Impact parameter and the moment of mutual approximation of the satellites
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photometric (see the relevant article)
           telescope: See in the publication
           observers: See in the publication
 data included in standard data file: no

     Data are deduced from the photometric observations
     of the mutual occultations and eclipses made 
     during the international campaign in 2014-2015. 
     The description of these astrometric data and
     are given in the relevant article (see Reference).
     The coordinates of the observatories are given below.
     The differences are given between the fitted parameters 
       and the ones expected from the ephemeris jup310 and DE435 (JPL).
Observatory code with geographic coordinates and telescope parameters. 
                                                  Altitude    Telescope      CCD 
Code    IAU    Longitude          Latitude          km        diam. cm       type
1 (OPD, 874) 45 deg 34' 57" W   22 deg 32' 07" S   1864          60     Andor/IKon-L
2 (FOZ, X57) 54 deg 35' 37" W   25 deg 26' 05" S   0.184         28     SBIG/ST-7X-ME
3 (GOA,  - ) 40 deg 19' 00" W   20 deg 17' 52" S   0.026         35     SBIG/ST-8X-ME

  1. Year of the moment of observation
  2. Month of the moment of observation
  3. Day of the moment of observation
  4. Hour of the moment of observation (UTC)
  5. Minute of the moment of observation (UTC)
  6. Seconds of the moment of observation (UTC)
  7. Code of the phenomenon: AoP - mutual occultation, AeP - mutual eclipse, 
       A - the number of activ satellite (occulting or eclipsing)
       P - the number of passiv satellite (occulted or eclipsed)
  8. N obs, the number of observatory: 1-OPD, 2-FOZ, 3- GOA (see referebce)
  9. Error time, the error of the  moment of observation, s
 10. Dt*v, difference of the moment of observation with ephemeride 
         converted from seconds of time to mas by using the ephemeris relative velocity, mas      
 11. s0, impact parameter, mas
 12. Error imp.par, error of the impact parameter, mas
 13. D imp.par, difference of the impact parameter with ephemeride, mas
 14. v, apparent relative velocity in the sky plane, mas/s
 15. Error v, error of the apparent relative velocity in the sky plane, mas/s
 16. D v, difference of the of the apparent relative velocity in the sky plane
                     with ephemeride, mas/s
 17. rms, rms between the observed light fluxes and the fitted ones (see reference)
 18. N, number of images utilised 
 19. Xi^2, the normalised Xi^2 of the fit (see reference)

year                     AoP       Error          Impact  Error    D           Error      D
  month                  or     N  time,  Dt*v    param. imp.par imp.par    v    v        v     rms     N     Xi^2
       day   h  m  s     AeP   obs   s    mas      mas    mas     mas     mas/s mas/s   mas/s