Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 44, J2 - Europa : 4, J3 - Ganymede : 28, J4 - Callisto : 2 total number: 78 type: relative dates: 2021-2021 observatory: see observatories coordinates below. Reference. Emelyanov N. V., Arlot J.-E. and 38 co-authors The PHEMU21 catalogue and astrometric results of the observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in 2021. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2022. V. 516, P. 3685-3691. DOI:10.1093/mnras/stac2538 See Abstract Informations. relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite: J1 - Io : 19, J2 - Europa : 49, J3 - Ganymede : 6, J4 - Callisto : 4 reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocenter for mutual occultation or heliocenter for mutual eclipse epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses coordinates: X, Y (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) diff. refraction: no information receptor: photometric (see the relevant article) telescope: See in the publication observers: See in the publication data included in standard data file : no Comments. Data are deduced from the photometric observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses made during the international campaign in 2021. The description of these astrometric data is given in the relevant article (see Reference). The coordinates of the observatories are given below. The first group of the data is presented in this item. The "O-C' are given with respect of the theory by V.Lainey (Lainey, V., Arlot, J. E., Karatekin, O., van Hoolst, T. 2009. Nature. V. 459. P 957.) The second group of the data see in the following item jg0068 of the NSDC. Observatory code with geographic coordinates. East Altitude m Observers, Longitude Latitude or Affiliations Code deg deg IAU Code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUR 1.690555 43.540833 241.0 Andre P., IOTA-ES, Societe Astronomique de France, Adagio Belesta Observatory, Club d'astronomie de Quint-Fonsegrives, 31570 Sainte Foy d'Aigrefeuille, France; BAF 5.896111 43.155555 200.0 Le Guen, P., Observatoire du Pic des Fees, Hyeres, Toulon, France; BAO 5.896111 43.155555 200.0 Le Guen, P., Observatoire du Pic des Fees, Hyeres, Toulon, France; BAU 5.896111 43.155555 200.0 Le Guen, P., Observatoire du Pic des Fees, Hyeres, Toulon, France; CAD 8.899811 46.019964 755.3 Roeschli D., Cademario Observatory, Switzerland; CAU 5.899811 43.182869 706.0 Gourdon F., OAGC Observatoire Astronomique du Gros Cerveau, Ollioules, France; CHE 276.797722 32.369944 103.0 Venable R., IOTA, Chester, Georgia, USA; CRQ 356.508556 40.794778 690.0 Jorba Lloveras R., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; E07 148.998890 -34.778198 (E07) Herald D., Trans-Tasman Occultation Alliance, Murrumbateman Observatory, Australia; FLY 149.049313 -35.198705 657.0 Newman J., Trans-Tasman Occultation Alliance, Murrumbateman Observatory, Australia; GA2 240.327694 38.889861 1524.0 Bardecker J., IOTA, Gardnerville, Nevada, USA; GAR 240.327694 38.889861 1524.0 Bardecker J., IOTA, Gardnerville, Nevada, USA; GLE 150.500444 -23.130109 (Q70) Kerr S., Trans-Tasman Occultation Alliance, Murrumbateman Observatory, Australia; GRA 248.131306 33.816694 830.0 George T., IOTA, Scottsdale, AZ USA; KGO 42.672203 43.738130 1600.0 Turchenko, M., Caucasian Mountain Observatory of the SAI of Moscow State University, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kichi-Balyk village, 369388 Russia; KUR 150.64111 -33.664579 (E28) Gault D., 22 Booker Road, Hawkesbury Heights, N.S.W. 2777, Australia; L46 356.11939 40.270973 (L46) Jorba Lloveras R., De Elias Cantalapiedra J., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; MAD 356.338889 40.449167 720.0 Izquierdo J., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; MEA 5.933889 51.039694 52.0 Ellington C., Maastricht Science Programme, Maastricht, Netherlands; MRF 356.243069 40.811955 1137.0 Velasco E., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; MRJ 358.517944 41.474194 410.0 Lasala A., AAHU, Astronomical group of Huesca, Zaragoza, Spain; MRR 185.025833 41.160555 26.0 Forbes M., Occultation section RASNZ, Manor Park Observatory, Lower Hutt 5019, New Zealand; MUB 148.998890 -34.778198 (E07) Herald D., Trans-Tasman Occultation Alliance, Murrumbateman Observatory, Australia; OAJ 358.983508 40.042630 1957.0 Iglesias-Marzoa R.,Centro de Estudios de Fsica del Cosmos de Aragon, Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory, 44001, Teruel, Spain; OAG 5.340278 43.150555 200.0 Gourdon F., Roger P., OAGC Observatoire Astronomique du Gros Cerveau, Ollioules, France; PAU 248.04778 33;811944 0.0 Maley P., IOTA and NASA Johnson Space Center Astronomical Society, Carefree, AZ, USA PSD 264.964839 29.548753 16.0 Stuart P., International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA), Fountain Hills, AZ 85269, USA ; SEV 354.019097 37.393261 63.0 Fernandez J. M., Astronomia Sevilla, Seville, Spain; SEY 5.861111 43.058889 132.0 Coliac J. F., Gourdon F., OABAC : Observatoire pour l'Astronomie des Binaires et l'Astronomie Collaborative, Marseille, France; SFA 1.610278 43.544167 163.0 Andre P., IOTA-ES, Societe Astronomique de France, Adagio Belesta Observatory, Club d'astronomie de Quint-Fonsegrives, 31570 Sainte Foy d'Aigrefeuille, France; SPA 291.82019 -22.815249 (W94) Maury A., Mari J .M., Huber D., GAPRA, Antibes, France; SRD 356.327750 40.549305 787.0 Jorba Lloveras R., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; TLV 7.0052 43.417246 (G14) Huber D., GAPRA, Antibes, France; TRI 12.750277 54.106389 13.0 Mannchen T., Lutz M., Serra V., Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen; Fallenbrunnen 2, 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany; UNV 23.783333 37.968555 250.0 Gazeas K., Palafouta S., Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR-15784 Zografos, Athens, Greece; URA 2.744400 48.551901 (A07) Leroy A., Canaud G., Uranoscope de l'Ile de France, 77220 Gretz-Armainvilliers, France; VBO 78.8263 12.494750 (220) Selvakumar G., Anbazhagan P., Vasundhara R., Vainu Bappu Observatory, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kavalur, Tamil Nadu, India; YGR 2.944444 46.552778 330.0 Andre P., IOTA-ES, Societe Astronomique de France, Adagio Belesta Observatory, Club d'astronomie de Quint-Fonsegrives,31570 Sainte Foy d'Aigrefeuille, France; XXX 356.328333 40.549167 734.0 Jorba Lloveras R., Prieto Gallego J., Agrupacion Astronomica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Format. 1. Observatory code see the table above. 2. The type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation) including the satellite numbers. The type of phenomenon is coded as n_a o n_p or n_a e n_p for a mutual occultation or eclipse, respectively. Here $n_a$ is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite and $n_p$ is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite. 3. Year of observation 4. Month of observation 5. Day of observation 6. Hour of the astrometric data (UTC) 7. Minute of the astrometric data (UTC) 8. Seconde of the astrometric data with decimals (UTC) 9. X coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) 10. Y coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) 11. sigma of X in arcseconds 12. sigma of Y in arcseconds 13. "O-C" for X in arcseconds 14. "O-C" for Y in arcseconds 15. Angular separation s (in arcseconds) corresponding to X, Y. 16. Position angle A (in degrees) corresponding to X, Y. 17. Flag Q indicating the quality and the reliability of the result: Q=0 - there is no doubt about the results; Q=1 - astrometric results are doubtful. 18. The minimum level (S min) of normalized flux. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observ. Year Separation Position code month X Y sigma X sigma Y O-C(X) O-C(Y) s angle Q Type date h m s arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec degrees S min --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------