Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 68, J2 - Europa : 111, J4 - Callisto: 30 total number: 209 type: absolute dates: 2015-2017 observatory: 258 - Gaia Reference. Tanga P., Pauwels T., Mignard F., Muinonen K., Cellino A., David P., Hestroffer D., Spoto F. and 25 coauthors. Gaia Data Release 3: the Solar System survey. arXiv e-prints. 2022. arXiv:2206.05561. Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: BCRS centre of frame: Gaia epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: TCB reduction: positions are corrected for full relativistic aberration but not for relativistic light deflection in the gravitational field of the Solar System coordinates: right ascension, declination diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Gaia's astrometric instruments observers: Gaia data included in standard data file: no Comments. Format. 1. Satellite ID, sat: 501 - Io, 502 - Europa, 504 - Callisto 2. Observation identifier (Obs_id) 3. Gaia-centric epoch in TCB relative to 2455197.5 (Epoch_TCB, days) 4. Right ascension of the satellite (RA, deg) 5. Declination of the satellite (DEC, deg) 6. Barycentric equatorial J2000 x position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (X, AU) 7. Barycentric equatorial J2000 y position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (Y, AU) 8. Barycentric equatorial J2000 z position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (Z, AU) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sat Obs_id Epoch_TCB RA DEC X Y Z days deg deg AU AU AU --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------