Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J2 - Europa : 2, total number: 2 type: relative dates: 1991-1991 observatory: SERGA Reference. Not published Informations. relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite: J1 - Io : 2, reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocenter for 2o1 event, heliocenter for 2e1 event epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses coordinates: X, Y diff. refraction: not applicable receptor: photometric telescope: Not given observers: Chu-wing So data included in standard data file : no Comments. Note that for 2o1 event the relative topocentric coordinates are given and for 2e1 event the relative heliocentric coordinates are given. Data are deduced from the photometric observations of the mutual eclipse and occultation between Europa and Io on 29 January 1991. Format. 1. The type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation) including the satellite numbers. The type of phenomenon is coded as n_a o n_p or n_a e n_p for a mutual occultation or eclipse, respectively. Here $n_a$ is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite and $n_p$ is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite. 2. Year of observation 3. Month of observation 4. Day of observation with decimals 5. X, arcsec 6. Y, arcsec ----------------------------------------- Type Year of the month X Y phenom. day UTC arcsec arcsec -----------------------------------------