      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J2 - Europe :  1
total number: 1
        type: absolute
       dates: 2017
 observatory: 874 - Observatorio do Pico dos Dias, Itajuba
              X57 - Polo Astronomico CMF, Foz do Iguacu
              W95 - Observatorio Panameno, San Pedro de Atacama
  Morgado B. et al. (2019)
  First stellar occultation by the Galilean moon Europa and upcoming events between 2019 and 2021.
  Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 626, id.L4, 10 pp.

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: geocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: Gaia DR1
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: 874: 60 cm + Andor/IXon-EM + Methane filter
                      X57: 28 cm + Raptor/Merlin
                      W95: 40 cm + ProLine/PL16803 + Red filter
           observers: 874: G. Benedetti-Rossi, M. Assafin
                      X57: D. I. Machado, L. L. Trabuco
                      W95: A. Maury, J. Fabrega
 data included in standard data file : no

  1. Astrometric position of Europa was obtained from the occultation of a star with the magnitude G = 9.5.
  2. We give only observatories with the positive detection of the event. Complete list of observatories
     that took part in the campaign of observations see in the Reference above.
  1. Year    of the date of observation
  2. Month   of the date of observation
  3. Day     of the date of observation
  4. Hour    of the date of observation (time, h)
  5. Minutes of the date of observation (time, m)
  6. Seconds of the date of observation (time, s)
  7. Hour   of right ascension (alpha, h)
  8. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m)
  9. Second of right ascension with decimals (alpha, s)
 10. Uncertainty of right ascension (err_ra, mas) 
 11. Degree of declination (delta, deg)
 12. Minute of declination (delta, '  )
 13. Second of declination (delta, '' )
 14. Uncertainty of declination (err_d, mas) 

Year    Day   time     alpha          err_ra   delta          err_d
  Month     h  m  s   h  m  s         mas    deg '  ''        mas