Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 95, J2 - Europa : 196, J4 - Callisto: 4 total number: 295 type: absolute dates: 2014-2019 observatory: 258 - Gaia Reference. The data were taken from Gaia Archive. Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: BCRS centre of frame: Gaia epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: TCB reduction: positions are corrected for full relativistic aberration but not for relativistic light deflection in the gravitational field of the Solar System coordinates: right ascension, declination diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: Gaia's astrometric instruments observers: Gaia data included in standard data file: no Comments. 1. Since in Gaia FPR all observations of Solar system objects were reprocessed, there can be intersections with observations of Galilean satellites from Gaia DR3 release given in jg0069 data unit. 2. Details concerning specific features of Gaia observations of the Solar system objects are given in Tanga et al. (2022) and Gaia Collaboration (2023). General information about Gaia FPR is given at Format. 1. Satellite ID (sat): 501 - Io, 502 - Europa, 504 - Callisto 2. Observation identifier (Obs_id) 3. Gaia-centric epoch in TCB relative to 2455197.5 (Epoch_TCB, days) 4. Right ascension of the satellite (RA, deg) 5. Declination of the satellite (DEC, deg) 6. Barycentric equatorial J2000 x position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (X, AU) 7. Barycentric equatorial J2000 y position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (Y, AU) 8. Barycentric equatorial J2000 z position (ICRS) of Gaia at the epoch of the observation (Z, AU) 9. Position angle of the scanning direction (P, deg) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sat Obs_id Epoch_TCB RA DEC X Y Z P days deg deg AU AU AU deg -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------