Astrometric/Positions Data Base Content
This page is for the observers wanted to know the differents fields on the database.
- Binning : Binnig used.
- Catalogue : The name(s) of the stars catalogue(s) used to make the reduction
- Comments : Observer comments on the provided data.
- Contact : Name of the person to contact if more informations are needed about the observation and data reduction.
- Coordinate 1 : First coordinate of the measured target
- Coordinate 2 : Second coordinate of the measured target
- Coordinate type : Describe types and units of the measured coordinates. The keywords accepted are : 'Absolute','Relative','Position angle','Separation','Differential','Tangential','Pixel','Millimeter'
- dataset_id : Auto increment dataset id for each dataset in the database.
- Date time : Mid-time of the observation in UTC (UT1 before 1972) without light-time correction (Julian Day).
- Deposit date time : The deposit datetime.
- Differential refraction corr. : Tell if the correction for the differential refraction have been applied.The keywords accepted are : 'Done','None','Unknown'
- Email : Email of the contact.
- Exposure : Exposition time.
- Filters : Filters used.
- Frame : Define direction of the coordinates frame's axes used for "COORDi" and "SIGMAi". The keywords accepted are :
- True equator and equinox of date of observation
- True equator and equinox of the planet of date of observation
- Mean equator and equinox at the nearest beginning of a year
- Mean equator and equinox at 1st January of the date of observation
- Mean equator and equinox B1900
- Mean equator and equinox B1950
- Mean equator and equinox J2000
- 'Other'
- Frame center : IAU nomenclature for the center of the coordinates frame ("SUN", "EARTH", "CASSINI")
- id : Auto increment for each data in the database.
- Image name : Name of the image.
- Quality : Confidence on the quality of the observation data and metadata. The keywords accepted are : 'Unknown', 'Bad','Medium','Good'
- Instrument : Description of the instrument used (telescope, camera, etc.).
- Light time correction : Tell if the correction for the light-time have been applied. The keywords accepted are : 'Done','None','Unknown'
- Numbers stars : Number of stars used to make the reduction
- O-C1 : Indicative O-C for the first measured coordinate
- O-C2 : Indicative O-C for the second measured coordinate
- O-C ephemeride : Ephemerides used for indicative O-C
- Observatory : Available standard code. See Minor Planet Center for ground Observatory, NASA's NAIF integer ID codes for spacecrafts and complementary ground based telescopes.
- Observation event : Type of photometry event observed. The keywords accepted are : 'Mutual event', 'Occultation', 'Eclipse','NA'.
- Observation position frame : Define direction of the coordinates frame's axes used for "OBSPOSx". The keywords accepted are :
- True equator and equinox of date of observation
- True equator and equinox of the planet of date of observation
- Mean equator and equinox at the nearest beginning of a year
- Mean equator and equinox at 1st January of the date of observation
- Mean equator and equinox B1900
- Mean equator and equinox B1950
- Mean equator and equinox J2000
- Other
- Obs. position frame center IAU nomenclature for the centre of the coordinates frame used for "OBSPOSx"
- Observation position theory : Theory used to get the position of the observatory/spacecraft
- Obs. position x : The observation position in x observed.
- Obs. position y : The observation position in y observed.
- Obs. position z : The observation position in z observed.
- Observation type : Support used to make the observation. The keyword accepted are :'CCD','Plate','Visual','Photometry'.
- Origin : IAU nomenclature for the origin of the measure (cf.
- Publication reference : Publication or note reference that refers to the observation (e.g. DOI ref., ADS ref., etc.).
- Publication source : Source of the publication reference (e.g. "DOI", "ADS", etc.).
- Reduction number : To identify a new reduction for an existing observation
- Refraction correction : Tell if the correction for the refraction have been applied. The keywords accepted are : 'Done','None','Unknown'
- Sigma 1 : Sigma estimated/computed uncertainty of the first coordinate
- Sigma 2 : Sigma estimated/computed uncertainty of the second coordinate
- Sigma type : Describe types and units of the measured coordinates uncertainty. The keywords accepted are : 'Absolute','Relative','Position angle','Separation','Differential','Tangential','Pixel','Millimeter'
- Status : Flag that defined if the observation have been verified by the database administrator.The keywords accepted are : 'unverified','verified'.
- Target: IAU nomenclature for the measured target (cf.