Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 1, J2 - Europe : 2, J3 - Ganymede : 2 total number: 5 type: absolute dates: 2016-2021 observatory: 24 stations in North and South America, Hawaii, and South Korea Reference. Morgado B. et al. (2022) Milliarcsecond Astrometry for the Galilean Moons Using Stellar Occultations. The Astronomical Journal 163:240 (15pp). 2022AJ____163__240M Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: geocentre epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: Gaia EDR3 coordinates: absolute diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: see the list in Appendix A in the paper by Morgado et al. (2022) observers: see the list in Appendix A in the paper by Morgado et al. (2022) data included in standard data file : no Comments. 1. The full list of observation sites is given in Appendix A in the paper by Morgado et al. (2022) 2. Observation of Europa on March 31, 2017 is the result of new reduction of the observation given in the data unit jg0072. Format. 1. Satellite (501 - Io, 502 - Europa, 503 - Ganymede) 2. Year of the date of observation 3. Month of the date of observation 4. Day of the date of observation 5. Hour of the date of observation (time, h) 6. Minutes of the date of observation (time, m) 7. Seconds of the date of observation (time, s) 8. Hour of right ascension (alpha, h) 9. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m) 10. Second of right ascension with decimals (alpha, s) 11. Uncertainty of right ascension (err_ra, mas) 12. Degree of declination (delta, deg) 13. Minute of declination (delta, ' ) 14. Second of declination (delta, '' ) 14. Uncertainty of declination (err_d, mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Year Day time alpha err_ra delta err_d Month h m s h m s mas deg ' '' mas -------------------------------------------------------------------------